
What is DMRL?

DMRL is an open source software which provides the Deutsche Minigolf Rangliste as a RESTful service.


There is a number of reasons:

  • For a while I wanted to develop an open source software since I like the spirit and believe in the high quality of that projects.
  • As a reference project or work sample for a potential employer.
  • I'd like to have a crack at using services like Github and Cloudbees and need a real project for that.
  • I run a web site about my Minigolf club and want to display a ranking of all the players of my club on that web site.
  • As a working example for all the technologies used in the project (i.e. Maven, Spring, This project gives people a chance to checkout a project which builds successfully and see how everything is put together.

How does DMRL work?

The DMRL ist not responsible for computing the Deutsche Minigolf Rangliste. DMRL retrieves the Deutsche Minigolf Rangliste from the web site of Deutscher Minigolfsport Verband which is published there in a human readable format. DMRL reads that information and publishes it as a RESTful service.

What is the current state of DMRL?

You're not interested in the whole technical stuff, you're a user who just wants to display a part of the Deutsche Minigolf Rangliste on your website?

That's great, because the software was developed for you! You only need to add some JavaScript code to your homepage and will be able to display the Deutsche Minigolf Rangliste there.

The good news is: since friday, 15th of july 2011, there is an initial prototype of the software up and running on Here you can find a sample client calling the service and displaying the results.

I developed a small JavaScript client library which is based on jQuery to call the service from inside a HTML page. There is a userguide available which explains how to include the DMRL client into your website.

If you need some help feel free to contact me.

How to join in to development of DMRL?

Currently there is much to be done to complete a basic version of the software. There are not only technical problems to be solved, there is much other stuff, like creating a user documentation.

If you want to participate just have a look at Join in .

How to download source code of DMRL and build and run it locally?

If you want to download the source code of DMRL and build and run it locally just complete the following steps:

  • Make sure to have Java and Maven installed on your computer.
  • Download the zip file and unpack it somewhere on the hard disc. The directory which arises by unpacking the zip file will be referenced to as ${base}.
  • Open a console window, change working dir to the ${base} directory and run the commands
    • mvn package
    • cd at.meikel.dmrl.webapp
    • mvn jetty:run (this starts the web server on port 8080, if you want to use another port type the command mvn [ -Djetty.port=<port> ] jetty:run)
  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/index.jsp or http://localhost:8080/client.jsp
  • To stop the aplication just close the console window.
  • To generate the project homepage, change working dir to the ${base} directory and run the command
    • mvn site:stage
    which creates the resulting website in ${base}/target/staging directory.